Samuel Martinez

Professor, Anthropology

Primary Research Theme

People and the City

Secondary Research Themes

Economic and Community Development, Governance and Urban Services

Recent Cities-related Projects

  • Media representations of Haiti/ans in Dominican Republic: A content analysis of press coverage of Haiti, immigration from Haiti, and the civil rights mobilizations of Dominicans of Haitian ancestry.
  • Statelessness and threats to birthright citizenship: The determinants and practice of effective citizenship, and limitations thereon, culminating in de jure statelessness.

Selected Urban-Related Publications

2018 “Upstreaming or Streamlining ? Translating Social Movement Agenda into Legal Claims in Nepal and theDominican Republic.” In Human Rights Transformation in an Unequal World. Tine Destrooper and Sally Engle Merry,editors. Pp.128-156. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

2017 (with Bridget Wooding) “El antihaitianismo en la República Dominicana ¿un giro biopolítico? (Anti-Haitianism inthe Dominican Republic: A Biopolitical Turn?”) Migración y Desarrollo vol.15, no.28: 87-115( ).

2017 “Peripheral Migrants: Haiti-Dominican Republic Mobilities in Caribbean Context.” In Global Latin(o)Americanos: Transoceanic Diasporas and Regional Migrations. Mark Overmyer-Velázquez and Enrique Sepúlveda,editors. Pp.71-94. New York: Oxford University Press.

“2016 (with Cathy Schlund-Vials) Interrogating the Perpetrator: Violation, Culpability, and Human Rights. New York: Routledge (expanded version of a special issue of International Journal of Human Rights 19[5, 2015]).”

2016 “A Postcolonial Indemnity? New Premises for International Solidarity with Haitian-DominicanRights.” Iberoamericana. Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 44(102): 173-93.

2015 “From Commoditizing to Commodifying Human Rights: Research on Forced Labor in Dominican SugarProduction.” Humanity 6(3): 387-409.