Farhed A. Shah

Associate Professor, Agricultural and Resource Economics

Primary Research Theme

Social-Ecological Systems

Secondary Research Themes

Built Environment

Selected Urban-Related Publications

Yoon, T., C. Rhodes, and F. Shah “Upstream Water Resource Management to Address Downstream Pollution Concerns: A Policy Framework with Application to the Nakdong River Basin in South Korea,” Water Resources Research, Vol. 51, 2015, pp. 787 – 805,

Wang S., Qi Y., Shah F. (2015). Research on Models of Policy Analysis and Environmental Impact of the Three Gorges Project. China Population Resources and Environment.

Mukherjee, D. Cromley, F. Shah, and B. Bravo-Ureta “Optimal Location of Centralized Biodigesters for Small Dairy Farms: A Case Study from the United States” International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, Vol. 08, 2015, pp. 3-16.

Tsvetanov, T., L. Qi, D. Mukherjee, F. Shah, and B. Bravo-Ureta “Climate Change and Land Use in Southeastern U.S.: Did the ‘Dumb Farmer’ Get It Wrong?” Climate Change Economics, Vol. 7, 2016, doi: 10.1142/S2010007816500056.

Lee Y., Shah F., Chang H., Hong Y. (2016). Climate Change and Economics of Integrated Watershed Management with Sedimentation: Evidence from Blue Nile. New Zealand House of Science.