Charles R. Venator-Santiago

Associate Professor, Political Science, El Instituto

Primary Research Theme

People and the City

Secondary Research Themes

Healthy Cities, Economic and Community Development, Governance and Urban Services

Recent Cities-related Projects

  • Storm Surge: Report on the Findings from the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving Survey on Impact of Post- Maria Displacement of Puerto Ricans and U.S. Virgin Islanders on Households in the Greater Hartford Region, February – May 2018: This report discussed the findings of a needs assessment survey of the impact on households in the greater Hartford region of displaced Puerto Ricans in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria.The survey and project were funded by a grant from the Hartford Foundation of Public Giving and El Instituto, UConn
  • The City of Holyoke’s Response to Climate Change Displacement: The Case of the Post-Maria Migration of Puerto Ricans: This project analyzed the city of Holyoke, MA response to the displacement/migration of Puerto Ricans in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria. The study incorporated a survey, focus groups, in-depth interviews, an organizational analysis, demographic analysis and an analysis of relevant public data. This project was funded by a grant from the Massachusetts Vulnerability Preparedness Program.

Selected Urban-Related Publications

2017. “A Note on the Puerto Rican Denaturalization Exception of 1948,” CENTRO: Journal of Puerto Rican Studies 29 (1): 224-237. (U.S.) (Puerto Rican Studies)

2017. “Territorial Citizenship Today: Four Interpretations” PS: Political Science and Politics 50 (2) (April 2017): 515-519. (U.S.) (Political Science)Hostages of Empire: A Short History of the Extension of U.S. Citizenship to Puerto Rico, 1898 to the Present/Rehenes del imperio: Breve historia de la extension de la ciudadanía estadounidense a Puerto Rico, 1898 al presente. Editorial Universidad del Este (forthcoming 2018).

2017. with Edgardo Melendez. Symposium: U.S. Citizenship in Puerto Rico: One Hundred Years After the Jones Act. CENTRO: Journal of Puerto Rican Studies 29 (1) Spring 2017.

2016. “A Note on Jesús T. Piñero and the Polemics of U.S. Citizenship for Puerto Ricans During the Decade of 1940,” Ámbito de Encuentros 9 (2): 7-22. (Puerto Rico) (Interdisciplinary)

2016. with Maye Henning and Ross Dardani, “Citizens and Nationals: A Note on the Federal Citizenship Legislation for the United States Pacific Island Territories, 1898 to the Present,” Charleston Law Review 10 (2): 251-276. (U.S.) (Law)