Mariana B. Alfonso Fragomeni
Assistant Professor, Plant Science and Landscape Architecture
Primary Research Theme
Secondary Research Themes
Healthy Cities, People and the City
Research Interests
My research interests are in climate adaptation and decision-making, with focus on heat vulnerability. My fields of expertise are in urban climatology, human bioclimatology and urban design, therefore, I am often working in applied research in urban areas and my research questions aim to understand how we can improve our cities, through design and decision-making, to reduce vulnerability, particularly to at risk populations.
I have and continue to be interested in developing collaborative and interdisciplinary research at the nexus of urban climate and urban design/ planning, which are consistently linked with human health and well-being. Furthermore, my research and continued interest in heat vulnerability are focused on the human perception of heat (human bioclimatology) and the impacts of adaptive design and land-use planning on improving or exacerbating heat sensation, and thus impacting the quality of life in cities.
Recent Cities-Related Projects
- Identifying the Change in Heat Vulnerability and Land-use Influence for the Resilient Connecticut Project: Developed with the Connecticut Institute for Resilience & Climate Adaptation (CIRCA), as part of the Resilient Connecticut project. This project focuses on identifying areas that are vulnerable to extreme heat and cold. The project has a higher emphasis on heat vulnerability due to its higher morbidity and mortality rate, particularly since local residents are not typically exposed to high temperatures for a prolonged period of time. | |
C.V. | Mariana Fragomeni C.V. |
Campus | Storrs |
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